SumTotal® Analytics

Visibility into Learning, Talent, and Business Data to Drive Better Decisions

The key to success is being able to answer important questions on demand. How has a training course improved our customer satisfaction? What percentage of our successors for vital jobs have the proper certifications if we need them to step up tomorrow? Are our future leaders developing the right skills to lead our teams? SumTotal Analytics gives you the answers to these and thousands of other vital questions.

SumTotal Analytics brings all of your development and talent data together and enables you to link to business information wherever it lives, creating a comprehensive knowledge base. With configurable reports, personalized dashboards, and out-of-the-box KPIs, SumTotal Analytics has everything you need to gain insights immediately. SumTotal Analytics is a platform to monitor, evaluate, and plan the talent strategy for your business’s future.

Access Wherever Your Data Lives

Simple questions only require simple data, but in today’s business, there are few simple questions. Getting the information to drive businesses forward requires drawing data from multiple processes and systems. SumTotal Analytics, part of the SumTotal Talent Development suite, leverages information from across all talent processes, such as recruiting, performance, succession, compensation, and learning. In addition, SumTotal Analytics can access data from HRIS, payroll, ERPs, LinkedIn,, and other third-party business systems.

SumTotal Analytics includes over 200 interlinked business objects and more than 50 KPIs that enable you to immediately start seeing how your talent drives your business.

Today’s Data, Driving Tomorrow’s Decisions

Having a single place to go for answers is what every professional dreams about, and now you have it. Whether you’re at your desk or on your phone, your SumTotal Analytics dashboard is your window into what is happening with your workforce performance and business. Make better decisions by creating what-if analysis scenarios pulling information from across your business. Automatically update your vital reports for performance and compliance status every morning and publish them to your leaders, keeping everyone on the same page. With over 60 pre-built reports and graphical widgets, you can create your own personal knowledge center.

See Your Data, Your Way

Every organization is unique, with different challenges and requirements. That’s why SumTotal Analytics enables you to create reports and dashboards your business needs to supply actionable information how and where you want. Whether it’s the ability to drill down through data on Microsoft SharePoint or feed information to a portal, SumTotal Analytics enables you to do things your way.


  • Create customized analytics to drive better decisions
  • Monitor compliance and training levels
  • Integrate workforce data with talent information
  • Quickly create dashboards and reports
  • Keep up to date with automatically published KPIs
  • Control permissions for reporting access for groups, managers, and employees

Feature Highlights

  • 150+ Out-of-the-box reports
  • 50+ Data set domains for ad-hoc report creation
  • 60+ Pre-built reports and graphical widgets
  • Flexible drag and drop ad-hoc report solution
  • Multiple visualizations for compelling graphical representations of your Talent Development data
  • Comprehensive report scheduling capabilities and automatic distribution
  • Create domain-based data sets, including real-time data for most data sources
  • Fast ETL process
  • Export reports to XLXS, CSV, PDF, HSDE, PPT, and more