Optimize Schedules to Meet Current and Future Demands

Deploy the Right People for the Job at the Right Time and Cost.
SumTotal Scheduling makes it possible to do more with less. Integrate your schedule with learning requirements, talent and employee data, and corporate goals to make your workforce a strategic advantage. Automation and self-service scheduling streamlines employees to a roster and ensures that only available, qualified, and properly skilled employees are scheduled.
- Validate that employees are available, trained, and have the proper compliance requirements prior to being scheduled to a roster.
- Schedule by employee, job, or role and align shifts with skills, proficiency levels, or seniority.
- Manage the schedule with predictable patterns that accommodate flexible and complex work schedules.
- Engage your workforce with self-service capabilities that encourage work/life balance such as indicating availability and trading shifts.

Guard Against Workforce Noncompliance.
Real-time training and certification validation help negate noncompliance risks. With SumTotal, your schedule is synchronized with Time & Attendance and Absence Management and unified with SumTotal Learning Management so employees’ training, certifications, absences, availability, and skills are accounted for all in one place.
- Fill shifts with automatically selected available workers who are compliant and have the right skill set.
- Configure unlimited rules to manage complex legislative, union, and other business requirements.
- Implement safeguards that restrict scheduling employees for tasks when requirements such as specific training for the scheduled job are not met.
- Ensure coordinated breaks and enforce laws such as location-specific meal and rest periods.

Deploy a Predictive, Interactive Schedule that Optimizes Your Business.
SumTotal refines the process of organizing people on appropriate shifts so you always have the best talent on the jobs with less administrative effort.
- Automate the entire scheduling process and make ad
hoc changes with a simple drag-and-drop visual tool. - Manage flexible and complex schedules with predictable patterns.
- Quickly identify schedule deviations alongside
attendance and absence data from customizable
dashboard widgets. - Leverage the comprehensive rules engine to manage unlimited configurations.

Reach Your Employees Where They Are With Self-Service.
Self-service empowers your global workforce to be active participants in the scheduling process. From entering availability to trading or bidding on shifts, self-service significantly reduces the time it takes to create accurate schedules, provides two-way communication between employees and managers, and enables a more productive and engaged workforce.
- Encourage work/life balance by allowing employees to trade or bid on shifts.
- Facilitate employees’ scheduling needs with the ability to set their own availability.
- Monitor and view schedules anytime, anywhere using a mobile device.
- Use employees’ daily interactions with the schedule to advance talent and learning goals.